Home Assistant BLE Integration

Follow this guide to set up Home Assistant on a Windows computer using Virtual machine and set up HibouAir Home Assistant BLE Integration to access real-time environment data.
Note : A HibouAir / BleuIO BLE USB dongle is required to connect and read air quality data from the HibouAir device.

Setup Virtual Machine
- Download Virtual box from the following link. Download
- Select your operating system and start download.
- After download complete, install the virtual box.

Home Assistant installation
- Select your OS from the following link. https://www.home-assistant.io/installation/
- Download Virtualbox (.vdi) file from the list.
- After downloading unzip it and keep and note the file location. we will need the file later.
- Now open the Virtual Box and click New

- Select Expert Mode

- Give name to the container. Select type Linux and version Linux 2.6 / 3.x / 4.x (64-bit).

- Now Select hardware and set 2048MB base memory, 2vCPU.
- Make sure to check Enable EFI

- Now Select Hard Disk.Select Use an existing virtual hard disk file, select the unzipped VDI file from above.

- Press Finished.
- Now select Settings from VirtualBox

- Then go to Network > Adapter 1. Choose Bridged Adapter and choose your network adapter.

- Connect BleuIO USB dongle to your computer .
- Select USB from the left menu.
- Click add new USB filter from right icon. Smart Sensor Devices BleuIO should be on the list.
- Select the device and it will show up on the USB device filters box.
- Press OK.

- All the settings are done. Press start to run Home assistant

- It will take some time to load.
- After the loading is completed, we can run Home Assistant using our browser by going to the link mentioned on the screen.

- It will take sometime to setup.
- Create an account for the first time

- Follow the step suggested on the screen and once its finished , the Home Assistant dashboard will show up.

Setup Visual studio code Add-ons
- Click on Settings from left menu
- Select Add-ons from the list on screen.

- Search for Code
- Select Studio Code Server from the list.
- Click install.

- Select show on sidebar

- It will take some time to install.
- Now , Visual studio code will show on sidebar.

HibouAir BLE Home Assistant integration
- Select Studio Code Server from left menu.
- Create a folder called custom_components
- Inside this folder create hibouair_ble

- Copy the content from this repositor https://github.com/smart-sensor-devices-ab/hibouair-home-assistant-ble
- So the file structure should look like this

- Now, open const.py and update your six digit device id. you will find on the back of your device.
- Now go to configuration.yaml and add the following line
- sensor:
platform: hibouair_ble
  scan_interval: 120
- Restart Home assistant by going Developer tools from left menu and select Restart

Show real-time air quality data on dashboard
- Now all the entities are registered with Home assistant. We should be able to access them on the dashboard.
- To manage the dashboard, click on three dots on the top right corner of the screen and click edit.

- Click on Add card from bottom right corner and select your desired card. Here we select entities to show all the entities in one card.

- Now we should be able to Hibouair BLE entities on the entity field when we click on it.
- Select an entity and card preview will show up on the right side with latest data.

- Here is a sample entity code which will show up all the entites with a header. To add this on the dashbard , click on show code editor and paste the following code.
- type: entities
- entity: sensor.hibouair_ble_co2
- entity: sensor.hibouair_ble_temperature
- entity: sensor.hibouair_ble_humidity
- entity: sensor.hibouair_ble_light
- entity: sensor.hibouair_ble_pm1
- entity: sensor.hibouair_ble_pm2_5
- entity: sensor.hibouair_ble_pm10
- entity: sensor.hibouair_ble_pressure
- entity: sensor.hibouair_ble_voc
- entity: sensor.hibouair_ble_last_updated
type: picture
image: https://www.hibouair.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/hibouair_banner_ble.jpg
action: none
action: none

- This is available at https://github.com/smart-sensor-devices-ab/hibouair-home-assistant-ble/blob/master/README.py
- Findal dashboard layout